The ALFA Seal project builds on previous R&D projects aiming to make air travel more environmentally sustainable through the enablement of wing laminar flow, supporting the Government to committing to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Our Project:
– seeks to mature a novel laminar-flow-friendly assembly sealing solution for the key issues around space allocation and structural joining (steps and gaps) that meets aerodynamic tolerances, a ramp-up in production rates, and in-service operability requirements
– contributes to laminar flow exploitation on future wings — natural laminar flow for short-range aircraft and hybrid laminar flow for long-range
– addresses priority areas within the ATI “Accelerating Ambition” (2019) Aerostructures Roadmap and aligns with the Future Flight Challenge of the Government’s Industrial Strategy, the UK Jet Zero Council objectives, and the ATI’s FlyZero initiative in accelerating improvements in environmental performance of future aircraft and facilitating green flight
– exploits the City, University of London transonic wind tunnel as part of the National Wind Tunnel Facility (NWTF)