Standing Grand

Is it a bird, is it a plane…?

By Tim Evans | Sep 30, 2019

Is it a bird, is it a plane – no, it’s a lightweight grand piano! Chris and Tim have spent most of their careers underwriting the structural integrity of safety critical components, providing consultancy services to the likes of Airbus and Rolls-Royce. You might think that there is little or

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The Standing Grand – The future piano team seeks crowd funding

By Tim Evans | Sep 15, 2019

The Standing Grand will be light and compact enough to bring the fullness of a grand piano’s sound into modern spaces. With this crowd-fund money, the Future Piano team is aiming to significantly reduce the total piano weight by building a hybrid demonstrator, using a combination of traditional (metal and

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Connect-R – Jigsaw wins funding for robotics project

By Tim Evans | May 26, 2019

Jigsaw Structures is proud and excited to be part of the Connect-R project funded by the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) through UK Research and Innovation. This cutting-edge combination of robotic and AI technologies has the potential to transform big industry. Connect-R proposes to develop an industrial-scale, self-building, autonomous, modular

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Jigsaw becomes a shareholder in Future Piano

By Tim Evans | Oct 25, 2018

Future Piano comprises Sarah Nicolls and Jigsaw Structures. Sarah, as a concert pianist with a global reputation, hopes to reinvigorate passion for the acoustic piano and through this redesign, to educate the world about what a piano can possibly be. Jigsaw specialises in innovative lightweight structural design and product integration.

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