GMC Project Starts – Genderless Connector – Defined Verification and Validation

The Connect-R project aims to develop an industrial-scale self-building modular robotic solution to provide access to worksites in hostile and hazardous environments. The initial deployment of the Connect-R system focuses on a nuclear decommissioning use case, but the system can also deliver capability in other sectors, such as offshore oil and gas, deep mining, and space exploration. The Connect-R system unlocks huge potential in a variety of sectors, and reduces the risk to human life by removing people from extreme and dangerous environments.

A key enabler to our Connect-R self-reconfigurable modular robotic structure is the Genderless Mechanical Connection (GMC). We believe that the GMC provides a generic solution for the mechanical docking and undocking between modules; it also gives a robust and effective connection for hydraulic power and data.

The main objectives of this project extension are to mature the readiness of the GMC technology through further targeted Testing, Validation & Verification, and Demonstration, not only to our current stakeholders from the Nuclear market but also to representatives of the Oil & Gas sector.